National Convention on Team Excellence 2013: Gold for Gold!

Under Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), National Convention on Team Excellence 2013  was successfully held from 1st till 3rd October 2013 at Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan. The event was aimed  to highlight the accomplishment of Innovative and Creative Circles who had delivered greater value to their respective organizations through creativity, innovativeness and commitment. In line with government’s call, every organization must adopt new work processes, new technologies, and transform the organizational culture to tap every employee’s capabilities for advance innovation and productivity.

With the active support and participation from the private as well as public sectors, 178 group participants were grouped under four categories i.e. eletronic and electric, manufacturing, service and public service. The selection of participants was  based on the respective team previous success in obtaining gold medal in regional conventions – Northen, Southern, Middle, East Coast, Sabah as well as Sarawak. For the first time, UniQ from UniSZA has been invited to participate in the convention after previously receiving gold medal at regional level. And again, UniQ successfully won 3-star gold medal.  The team has presented topic related to increasing complaints of lateness for receiving office supplies and issued STOR SENTRAL as the innovative solution. This was the first UniSZA’s participation at the national level. 

UniQ has definitely learned invaluable lessons such as openness to adopt new changes for the organizational good as well as willingness to take challenge. By involving such convention, UniQ was exposed to opportunity in learning best practices as well as benchmarking from the other participants’ projects besides strengthening networking and partnership in exchanging ideas. Apart from the presentation, UniQ with other 29 groups also participated in storyboard competition.


It is hoped National Convention on Team Excellence 2013 would be a starting point for UniSZA staffs to boost creative and innovative spirit at their workplace.

(Artikel ini telah diambil dari Bulletin UniSZA).


